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Riverside Multi-Games Group

A mixture of gentle games and social opportunity for those aged 50+

  • Organisation: Age UK Norwich
  • Age group: 60 plus
  • 5 ways to wellbeing: Connect, Be active
  • Cost: Free
  • Availability: Tuesday
  • Time: 11am-12.15pm
  • How to join: Booking required
  • Location: Riverside Leisure Centre, Wherry Road, Norwich, NR1 1WX

***Please note this group is for aged 50+, not just 60+***

Riverside Multi-Games Group is a fun and free way to keep active and socialise at the same time by taking part in a variety of different games.

The sessions take place every week from 11am-12.15pm and the activities on offer include table tennis, kurling, boccia and archery. Both the boccia and the kurling can be played seated if necessary. All the sessions finish with the chance to have a chat over a tea or coffee and biscuits.

We aim to create an inclusive and positive environment for participants of all levels so do get in touch even if you haven’t been physically active for a while.

Free parking is available for up to 2.5 hours in the leisure centre car park.

For more information and to book, please the Age UK Norwich Clubs & Trips Team:
Telephone: 01603 496 333