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Published on 25th October 2018

Digital skills and access for all

How Norwich is helping people make the most of opportunities available online

The world is changing all around us, and technology is more central to that than ever before.  There is a website or app for everything – from banking to keeping in touch with family and friends!

However, in the city about 20% of the population do not go online. Those without the skills or access end up paying more for basic necessities (such as fuel and energy bills), and have less access to job and learning opportunities. More government services are going online, and finding simple local information can be hard for someone who doesn’t have access to the internet too.

In Norwich, the city council has been working with partners to identify Digital Hubs, spaces where people can go online and get support for free.

Digital Hubs are spread all over the city and each has its own particular identity and way of operating. Some offer drop-in sessions, and some are pre-booked.  However all are open to the public and offer support for people to gain the skills they need. Digital Hubs are manned by volunteers or staff, and have a regular session which people can attend or they offer one to one support at varying times.


Connect with your community and become a Digital Hub

We are still on the look-out for more venues to join us as Digital Hubs. And Lumi is a great tool for helping you to find the skills and equipment you need to start on your journey. We have tablets with connectivity that can be loaned and volunteers who will help support your activity. Or why not ask us about providing training for your existing volunteers to up-skill them to be digital coaches too?

There are many resources available to help transform your venue into a Digital Hub for the local community, or to offer digital support and access to your members. Just get in touch with Laura if you need a little help. 

Some of our amazing digital champions

For more information:

  • Check out the website
  • Contact Laura Wigby, Digital Inclusion Project Coordinator, t: 01603 212770 or
  • Don't forget to keep up to date with other great community activities or sharing opportunities in Norwich sign up to our e-digests in your account area.