It really helps to have a good knowledge and understanding of your group’s finances so you can be certain your funds are wisely spent and confidently run your activities. We’ve found some great guides that can help remove some of the stress. But remember if in doubt, ask, we have some brilliant resources here in Norwich.
How to choose & set up a bank account (The Brighton Resource Centre)
Guidance for community groups
A guide to writing a budget for small community groups (The Brighton Resource Centre)
This guide may also be helpful to slightly larger groups which perhaps have one or two paid workers.
Financial Procedure Manual (NVCO)
NCVO have produced useful templates and guidance for creating a financial procedures manual that will provide a framework for managing your organisation's finances.
Income diversification planner (NCVO)
This useful three-step DIY tool from NCVO will help your organisation to explore realistic options in diversifying your income and create an action plan to get there
Charity accounts and reporting (The Brighton Resource Centre)
This guide summarises the requirement for charities to produce accounts, reports and returns each year.
Charity Reserves (The Charity Commission)
This guidance is written for trustees of charities of all sizes and types, whether they are companies, trusts or associations on how to develop a policy on reserves for smaller and larger charities.
Sponsorship Toolkit (Sports England)
Although written with a sports club in mind, this is a really useful toolkit to help those new to sponsorship explore and communicate the benefits with a potential sponsor / business.
Many businesses (large and small), are keen to engage in sponsorship opportunities in their local communities. Building relationships with local businesses can benefit everyone.
Sponsorship is an excellent way to raise revenue while raising the profile of the organisation that is sponsoring you. You must remember when seeking sponsorship that any agreement you come to will be a two-way thing.