Monthly social film club
Second Wednesay Monthly film showings, 2pm, £2, including refreshments
- Organisation: Eaton Park Community Centre
- Age groups: 18 to 25, 25 to 60, 60 plus
- 5 ways to wellbeing: Connect
- Cost: £2
- Availability: Wednesdays, the second Wednesday monthly
- Time: 2pm
- How to join: Just turn up
- Location: Eaton Park Community Centre
A monthly film showing in Eaton Park Community Centre.
Films are classics, recent ones have included Girl with the Pearl Earring, What a Wonderful Life..
The second Wednesday every month, films start at 2pm, and we have an interval where refreshments are provided.
Run in conjunction with Age UK
£2 to attend.
The community center is accessible and warm!